Friday, June 21, 2013

#13 Decorate Zee's Room

I finally got all the stuff up on Zee's wall and the stuff arranged the way she wants it and I like.

#53 Volunteer at School 10 times

Had I known I was going to hit 10 times before the end of the school year I would have made a higher number but I got into the swing of being there and having Zee there next year I will have more time to go in and volunteer.  I loved being up at school and helping out with the box top store, book fair, helping the teachers.  It gave me a huge sense of accomplishment.

#42 Send out cards for subcommittee meetings

We only had 4 meetings but I sent them out for each one.  I got the same people showing up but I kept it up from my end.

#36 and #37 Decorate dollhouse walls and floors

I finally got around to decorating the floors and walls in the girls dollhouse with scrapbook paper so it looks like flooring and wallpaper.  The girls absolutely love it.

2023 Word

 So my word of the year this year is Love!!  In the grand scheme it sounds like a crap word when I have love, but the love of non person stu...