2010 Word of the Year
Yep it is word of the year time again.
So word of the year is this amazing thing my friend Alayna told me about. Last year I picked strong as my word and with everything that happened in 2009 it was a fitting word. So for the new word of the year I have chosen REMEMBER.
“Remember today, for it is the beginning of always. Today marks the start of a brave new future filled with all your dreams can hold. Think truly to the future and make those dreams come true.”
I will make a wall hanging for above my desk and find little quotes and saying to have up to help me focus on my word and remembering.
So word of the year is this amazing thing my friend Alayna told me about. Last year I picked strong as my word and with everything that happened in 2009 it was a fitting word. So for the new word of the year I have chosen REMEMBER.
- remember the hard, with everything we went through last year and how hard it all was I want to remember the strength to help me deal with it all still.
- remember the memories from long ago that have helped mold me into who I am and with my Bubba battleing cancer this just seemed to fit for this years word.
- remember why I made the choices I made in 2009 about friends and stick with them, I do not need people in my life to bring me down we have enough on our plate to deal with. Also about everyone who stood by us when we needed them even when we didn't know we did.
- remember that even though I am Mommy I need me time and remember to keep my life more in order.
“Remember today, for it is the beginning of always. Today marks the start of a brave new future filled with all your dreams can hold. Think truly to the future and make those dreams come true.”
I will make a wall hanging for above my desk and find little quotes and saying to have up to help me focus on my word and remembering.
I Suck
So I realized I hadn't posted in two months wow and let me tell you things have been crazy. My Aunt and Uncle have settled into there house and Kyrie loves having them here. We finished off t-ball only to register for soccer but thankfully we got some down time in between. And she had to have a pink soccer ball and pink cleats. Such the little princess. We went without AC for almost two weeks while they tried to get it fixed let me tell you Texas is not the state to go without AC for that long but somehow we survived and the cat didn't stroke either. Needless to say she has stayed inside most of the summer black and heat don't mix. I did the whole turning 26 thing, got a kicking new Vera Bradley purse and it's blue yippy. Did Margarita's and gumbo night with great friends while we celebrated both of our birthdays and then went and watched the new HP. Kyrie started soccer and we impatiently waited to find out who her new teacher was since her old one became the VP. We went and met her new teacher last night and Kyrie the peach that she is used 4 little containers of glitter on herself that was tons of fun to clean up. But boy did she sparkle, I'm guessing she was super excited. We had our garage sale and managed to clear almost all the junk out from the garage. We had someone come into our garage and steal our gas can full of gas thankfully that was it. I have managed to squeeze in my own craft time and did a ton of layouts, a few cards and make a coaster box. I am working on a wall hanging for Kyrie's teacher for Monday.
Kenzie is in a big girl bed and loving it. She made the switch great. I think she likes this bed more then she ever did her crib because she can get in and out of it herself and there is a ton more room. So every night she lays down with her singing Blue, her Elephant and goes to sleep in her big girl bed.
We had a stray that we ended up having to catch in a cage and have Animal control come and get. Elvira didn't like it and kept hissing at it but never did more then that. She did scare her away a few times but the cat kept coming back. Hopefully animal control can find it a good home. I think that's about everything for now anyways.
I will try later to upload pictures it wont let me right now.
Kenzie is in a big girl bed and loving it. She made the switch great. I think she likes this bed more then she ever did her crib because she can get in and out of it herself and there is a ton more room. So every night she lays down with her singing Blue, her Elephant and goes to sleep in her big girl bed.
We had a stray that we ended up having to catch in a cage and have Animal control come and get. Elvira didn't like it and kept hissing at it but never did more then that. She did scare her away a few times but the cat kept coming back. Hopefully animal control can find it a good home. I think that's about everything for now anyways.
I will try later to upload pictures it wont let me right now.
Project 365 Failed
So I failed but it's amazing I kept it up as long as I did after Seth being hurt and all. I will continue to have regular blog and post things that are going on but this pictures every day thing is a little hard for me.
Day 141 Project 365
Kyrie, we had a lazy day today so I didn't think to get pictures till bath time. I know bad Mom.
Kenzie, she didn't care that I waited till bath time for pictures it's her favorite time anyways.
Random, I got Kyrie's school pictures sorted and ready so I had to make cards so I could mail the pictures. I made 7 cards and ended up doing 2 double page layouts too.
Day 140 Project 365
Kyrie, she was so tired from water day she really didn't want to play t ball. But she ended up hitting a home run. So way to go Kyrie.
Kenzie, so I snapped this picture of her at Kyrie's game the back of her hair is starting to curl up and I needed a picture. She walked around with Eric at the game then played with the coach's grandson.
Random, after dinner Megan, Janelle and I sat down and scrapped. I dug out some old pictures that needed to be done because the book they were in fell apart. It was a nice change from doing the girls books. I am really happy with how this one turned out.
Day 139 Project 365
Kyrie, it was water day at school. They were outside all day playing on the water slides, the pool, the slip and slide, there were bubbles, water balloons, face painting, tattoos, a waterfall and sand box. I stayed until after 1 then I had to come home and took sunscreen with me and put it on Kyrie again and she still got burnt.
Kenzie, she spent most of the day with Daddy since I was volunteering at school. The two had a great time and had popcorn before Kenzie went down for a nap.
Random, here is my baseball cake the laces were supposed to be red but didn't come out right. I also did a plain none designed chocolate cake I know suprising and I made cupcakes 5 had the Boston B on them then 5 just had chocolate icing.
Day 138 Project 365
Kyrie, the girls came home and played and played and played. It's amazing to think when Kenzie was smaller she could not stand Kyrie touching her now she is upset when she is gone to school.
Kenzie, here they are dancing around. When music comes on the two of them get up and dance it's the funniest and cutest thing.
Random, we had a visitor today and she took a liking to Seth. Then she jumped up in the bed with Kenzie. At first Kenzie was a little afraid but only because she just woke up then she loved playing with her. Seth got some pictures with his camera I just need him to get them off his camera.
Day 137 Project 365
Kyrie, Nana's car is fixed and she took Kyrie to school today so Kyrie was excited. It's almost time for water day at school.
Kenzie, still doesn't feel good. I really hope whatever the two of us have goes away soon.
Random, here is Kenzie and I playing. The two of us aren't so good at taking pictures of ourselves. I was pretending to cry because Kenzie hit me.
Day 136 Project 365
Kyrie, I had to take her to school again today. She was so excited it is such a change from Mom taking her. Then when we walked home I let her ride on my back, she loved that.
Kenzie, still isn't feeling the best and she has more teeth coming in because she is drooling all the time. Hopefully she sakes this yuck soon.
Random, so it was the craziest thing there was this bird just sitting on the patio so Elvira went out and investigated. The bird never mood the first time she was outside but when Elvira went out the second time and went to pounce on the bird it flew away. When Elvira first went outside she went to pounce on the bird but it didn't move so it prompted this weird just stare at the bird and circle around it thing.
Day 135 Project 365
Kyrie, Mom's car wasn't working right so I ended up taking Kyrie to school and the cat came with us. Kyrie loved it, Elvira isn't going to play in the car anymore.
Kenzie, she has not been feeling well either so she has had a lazy day too.
Random, so I was having a awful day. I didn't feel good and then I got this package in the mail and everything was tons better. Thanks to Alayna for making my day.
Day 134 Project 365
Kyrie, we had dinner at Mom's house and Kyrie sat at a chair at the table playing ds.
Kenzie, Mom gave her some apple banana applesauce and she loved it, but then there isn't much food that she doesn't like.
Random, here is Seth making the chicken for chicken enchillades. Everytime we go over to Mom's he cooks. He loves cooking so much.
Day 133 Project 365
Kenzie, ok so I swore I got a picture of Kyrie but I either deleted it or who knows where it went to. Here is Kenzie she has been drooling so much those teeth have to be killing her.
Random, I am in a buzzing bee kit and here is my title boxes and journal tags. They will be perfect to go with Kenzie's Halloween stuff because we decided she is going to be a bee.
Day 132 Project 365
Kyrie, she had to dress as her favorite book character and she picked Fancy Nancy. Here she is all dressed up in her costume.

And here are the infamous shoes. And one of the laces wouldn't stay up just like Fancy Nancy.
Kenzie, we had a company thing out at the lake and here we are before we left. She looked so cute in her little hat.

Here is a shot of the hat.
Random, so Seth stopped by the store and he of course got me Fiji water. It is one of my guilty habits but it's so good.
And here are the infamous shoes. And one of the laces wouldn't stay up just like Fancy Nancy.
Here is a shot of the hat.
Day 130 Project 365
Kyrie, we had t ball practice after school and coach worked on her throwing left handed. She keeps trying to hit lefty so we figured we wouold give it a try.
Kenzie, she loves getting the books out so she can look at them. She especially loves the ones that play music.
Random, we donated the girls old sandbox to the school. They are having a water day and needed parents to volunteer things or donate them. We were going to sell the sandbox in the garage sale so we just donated it to the school.
Kenzie, she loves getting the books out so she can look at them. She especially loves the ones that play music.
Day 129 Project 365
Kyrie, she got her prizes from her cookie sale stuff today and her and Kenzie had fun playing with them. It was also crazy sock day at school but she didn't make it wearing her socks the whole day, figures.
Kenzie, it was walk to school day so I made sure she was dressed cool. It was so hot out. She had fun playing with the toys Kyrie won from her cookie sale stuff.
Random, Tuesdays are my QPMU (Quick Pick Me Up) days so I posted my date in one of the scrap groups I am in and got started working on my scrapping. I didn't get as many pages done as I wanted but I did manage to get some done.
Kenzie, it was walk to school day so I made sure she was dressed cool. It was so hot out. She had fun playing with the toys Kyrie won from her cookie sale stuff.
Day 129 Project 365
Kyrie, it was hat day at school so she had to wear her hat. She also had Mom's day at school so Kenzie, Mom and I went up and had PE and Music with Kyrie. They had a sub for Music so we just watched a movie so I snapped this picture of her while we were sitting there.
Kenzie, we went to school for a little bit this morning and when we got home she was worn out. I had to do my cleaning since I didn't get it done before we went which was nice to do with her napping.
Random, here and the girls with Mom in Kyrie's music class. Kenzie was eating Apple Jacks and Kyrie wanted some. Kenzie wasn't so happy to share her snack with Kyrie.
Day 128 Project 365
Kyrie, she was such a little terror today. Apparently mother's day means act worse day. She emptied a box of cheerios all through the house making a trail from the living room to her bedroom which I ended up having to pick up by hand because the small vacuum wasn't charged and Mom was borrowing the big one. She did act a little better when Mom and Austin came over for dinner.
Kenzie, she was up bright and early and I was up with her. Again I manage to catch her with her favorite thing, shoes.
Random, so I decided if we moved the table it wouldn't catch people on the counter so much. So we rearranged the table and chairs and moved Kenzie's seat into the spot closest to the counter.
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