Day 111 Project 365
Kyrie, here she is having her snack right before bed. Of course we can't manage to get her to sleep on her bed.
Kenzie, here she is playing in her room before she went to bed. She walked to her crib but had to pause for me to take a picture and decided to squat. Both of us had sick days.
Random, Kyrie has turned in 100 pink sheets for her reading program at school here is only a small amount of the books that got us there. So that's 15 books per sheet and 100 sheets so we read 1500 books and we are still going. The program is coming to an end though so we can only turn in two papers a week and it ends on the 8th of May.

Day 109 Project 365
Kyrie, I realized I didn't get any pictures of Kyrie by herself. Shame on me. We had friends over and Kyrie would not leave his side. So here is one of her and Kenzie before school rolling around on the floor.
Kenzie, she had on the cutest little skirt and I missed her in it before she ate and was ready for bed because I lost my camera. Thankfully I found it or I would be going insane.
Random, Seth had another appointment with the "Brain Lady" today. This is his Brain workbook.
Day 108 Project 365
Kyrie, we read through a ton of books from the library she is doing so well with helping along too. She loves reading to me and Kenzie just as much as having me read to her.
Kenzie, she is still cutting teeth and it's not been as bad as Sunday morning but it's not wonderful either. Thankfully she has slept through most of it.
Random, so Seth and I finally got to two of the netflix we have had at the house. We still have one more to watch but at least we don't have the three that we hadn't watched in a month.
Day 107 Project 365
Kyrie, here she is waiting to go have dinner at my parents house. Seth spent the day making gumbo at the house to take with us.
Kenzie, woke up and wasn't feeling well. So I ended up having to wash all her bedding and did Kyrie's while I was at it. Poor little thing still isn't 100 % better.
Random, I spent the day cleaning up the house and doing tons of laundry. Thankfully laundy is all done. I rearranged Kyrie's room because she managed to bend the curtain rod in two and I was tired of having to fix it so I just moved everything around.
Day 106 Project 365
Kyrie, we had a lazy day since her game was canceled because of the weather. We just hung out watching cartoons and read some of the books from the library.
Kenzie, she is doing good with the binkys only at sleep time. I wanted to have her off of it by now but it's a little harder then it was with Kyrie. Hopefully we will have her off of it soon.
Random, I have two wedding albums I am working on one for my cousin and one for the girls godparents. My cousins will be Black, Ivory/white and baby blue. And then Seth's brother and Sarah's is going to be white and green. I am so excited to be working on both of them I sat down yesterday and figured out what I wanted to do for some of the pages and picked out sketches I wanted to use.
Day 105 Project 365
Kyrie, it poured down rain so her practice got canceled and they canceled her first game on Saturday. We ended up taking a friend home from school so that she didn't have to walk in the rain with her grandpa.
Kenzie, she wore her little Cutie shirt with the hoodie she got from Shina from Christmas. This has been the first time it has been cool enough since she has gotten into the size to fit it. She looked so cute with the little hoodie up.
Random, here is a layout I got done for a challenge. It was to stamp the background paper. The picture is of Kenzie eating her birthday cake. I just love how it ended up turning out.
Day 104 Project 365
Kyrie, we went to the library and got to do a pirate treasure hunt. She got her report card and did great. And she got one for speech and is improving nicely.
Kenzie, she woke up so early this morning so her day was a little off. She ended up needing two naps because she was messed up. But by bedtime she was all fixed again.
Random, Kyrie and I went to the library today. This is only some of the books we got we filled up the bag and then some.
Day 102 Project 365
Kyrie, she so wanted to stay wrapped in her blanket all day. She had an not so bad day at school and came home to another busy day outside again.
Kenzie, we had a bunch of errands to run so Kenzie was in Heaven with all the women that say how cute her red hair is. We went to Lowes to get Seth a weed eater, and a few other things and we had to get two pair of jeans for Kenzie while we were out too.
Random, so I got in the attic and got down all the clothes except two bags I heard a rustle noise while I was up there but I just sucked it up and grabbed the bags. I did have my little brother catching bags. This is just some of the clothes that came down I need to wash them all just in case the snake was in the bag. I also told my brother if I saw a snake I was going to jump and he had better catch me.
Day 101 Project 365
Kyrie, Monday was a long day for her. She was all hyped up from the weekend still and had to go to school. She was great at school though so I am sure that helped wear her out. Then she played outside when she got home because we were cleaning out the gutter.
Kenzie, she was all over and busy. She wore her little outfit she got from Mom for Easter and looked so cute.
Random, woo hoo me I got two layouts done one is for my DT that I am in and this is the other one it is for a challenge I am hosting for the week in a group I am in. It is movie related so mine were Dumbo (mother related) Peter Pan (sparkles) and Mulan (use something you have had over a year my paper). I am trying a lot more to use paper that has been in my stash for awhile. Let's hope that works for me.
Day 100 Project 365
Kyrie, for Easter she got water guns and water balloons in her basket. We went over to my Mom's house and she took her guns and her and her Uncle Austin played with the water guns and got soaking wet. They dyed eggs but those pictures are all on Seth's camera.
Kenzie's Big Day
Day 88 Project 365
Kyrie, she loved Kenzie's birthday toys here she is playing with her farm and her animals.
Kenzie, here she is with her microphone she got for her birthdayl She had to go to the doctor for her one year check up she was 18 pounds and 29 inches long (I don't know if there was anything behind the 29 I didn't catch that part).
Random, this is Kenzie trying to get my Mom to use her microphone. She loved it so much it had to go to bed with her.

Day 87 Project 365
Kyrie, she is scrapbooking!!!!!! Of course she is trying to avoid bedtime but she was scrapbooking none the less.
Kenzie, I picked her up and she came right home and napped. Mom said she was up before 5:30. What a sleepover!!!
Random, woo hoo my desk is clean and I got 22 layouts, 2 cards and a journal thingy done.

Day 85 Project 365
Kyrie, she loves watching her morning cartoons before school. Here she is waiting for Nana to come and pick her up.
Kenzie, the waffle monster. She ate her waffles and then moved on to Kyrie's thankfully Kyrie was done with what she wanted to eat today. She didn't even notice when she fell on her butt she just laid down and kept on munching away at her waffles.
Random, this is my beautiful wall hanging that my friend Manda made for me. My word of the year is strong and it is hanging about my Twilight poster so I can see it every day.
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